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COVID-19 Protocols

"Some people have given up the habit of meeting for worship, but we must not do that. We should keep on encouraging each other, especially since you know that the day of the Lord's coming is getting closer." 
~Hebrews 10:25, Contemporary English Version
How is HBM safely gathering?
We believe that corporate worship is a vital component to the Christian walk. We also seek and trust in God's provision of wisdom in all things. As such, we have the following protocols in place in order to gather, in person as safely as possible:

  1. Temperature check upon entering building. If you are not feeling well or are exhibiting COVID symptoms, we ask that you worship with us online.

  2. Hand sanitizer is stationed throughout our facility. 

  3. Masks are worn during service.

  4. Seating is socially distanced and we ask that you sit with your family.

  5. Dismissal from service is a staggered exit.

  6. The facility is disinfected after each service.

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